A-Z of Things Unseen: X is for Xenophobia
The comedy writer Paul Kerensa looks at our national stereotypes, and whether humour can be truly victimless
Unusual faith perspectives and phenomena beyond the material world
The comedy writer Paul Kerensa looks at our national stereotypes, and whether humour can be truly victimless
Flour, water, cooking oil and prayer: the ingredients of the communion wafers baked by the Community of Saint Clare in Oxfordshire
Ian Knowles shares his passion for an ancient Christian art, and talks about his most famous icon
Muslim singer-songwriter Faraz Yousafzai on creating positive vibrations through his music
Bite-sized poems from our listeners that get to the heart of the most important time in the Christian calendar
Chine McDonald of the Evangelical Alliance on why people of faith should strive for unity – not uniformity
Journalist and broadcaster Emma Barnett on how being tactile led her to question Orthodox Jewish laws
Playwright, actress and artistic director Rani Moorthy on a garment closely bound up with Hindu identity – for better or for worse
Find out about our creative challenge for Good Friday and Easter
Fr Christopher Jamison, a Benedictine monk and former abbot, reflects on treating books as a delicacy best savoured slowly