The case for (and against) Peace Journalism…..
The case for Peace Journalism – and why it doesn’t have to be only for the credulous…
Unusual faith perspectives and phenomena beyond the material world
The case for Peace Journalism – and why it doesn’t have to be only for the credulous…
A disappointment for Richard Dawkins? New research reveals strong undercurrent of spiritual belief in Britain
Belief in post-religious Britain: more than half of us believe spiritual forces have influence on earth.
Where science meets Hindu and Christian beliefs: can Near Death Experiences shed any light on whether we have a soul?
Meet the Jewish New Testament scholar who’s fascinated with Jesus – yet has never felt tempted to embrace Christianity
What’s in those intriguing reports about the dying seeing long-dead relatives – and how do they sit with Christian beliefs?
Endless debates in the Church of England over gender and sexuality are putting people off. Time to call a truce?
Can a father’s faith survive the torment of not knowing whether his missing teenage son is alive or dead?