Wonder of Wonders
Nearly one in five women in the UK now reach their 40s without having children. Among them was the writer and teacher Blanche Girouard, and she desperately wanted a baby. So she decided to freeze her eggs and find an anonymous donor.
Not long before Christmas 2019, an embryo was implanted in her womb. This Christmas edition of Things Unseen is based on the audio diary Blanche kept during her lockdown pregnancy, charting the bumpy road from the decision to go it alone, via physical and emotional anguish, to holding her “wonder of wonders” in her arms a year later.
Along the way, Blanche reflects on what it means to have a donor baby on her own, including how – as a Christian – she deals with the ethical dimension of donor IVF. She hears from the donor father (who has written a life-affirming letter to his future child), worries about her scans, watches her bump moving in the bath, tries to do what she can to avoid a caesarean, and eventually gives birth naturally.
Blanche’s diary offers intimate impressions of what pregnancy and childbirth really mean – the kinds of things which are usually glossed over in retellings of the nativity story. And yes, we’ll be there with Blanche in the delivery room!
The podcast will strike a chord with anyone who has wished for a child and not been able to have one, for any reason – but the wonder and hope of a new baby which is so central to Christmas will shine through for all.

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Having read the story of Blanche, Ottilie and Anthony I found it so emotional. Wishing them well, whatever the future may hold.
Just wanted to say how much joy I had listening to your podcast Blanche and reading your article in the Daily Mail.
You are now blessed with a beautiful daughter who will, from experience, bring you everything you wish for in years to come. So happy to hear of your friendship with Anthony, it is truly like reading a wonderful romantic fairytale.
Stay safe through this difficult time and thank you for sharing your story with me.
Helen Jones
I actually think you are heroic . Times are changing and maybe this will be the norm in the next 10 years . I know had I ever had the chance of not meeting the father of my daughter, and going it alone , I still would have jumped at the chance .
Your little girl will grow up, knowing fully , that she was wanted so badly you were willing to do absolutely anything to have her ….. This brings tears to my eyes . It’s so wonderful
Touching on wonderful !
I’d of really like to have heard from Anthony
What a blessing he is . I remember going through post natal depression, and having nothing nor anyone to help me . Worst time of my life , be scared and unsure .
It’s so lovely to watch two people collide in life, to then go on to share a wonderful wanted beautiful baby girl .
You are blessed
Samantha x
Samantha Comerford
I loved listening to this, I’m doing DI again this year and already have had a baby on my own 7 years ago. Congratulations and well done on making the right decision, what’s blessing your little angel is!
Beautiful – brought tears to my eyes
Beautiful and moving. Thank you so much for sharing your miraculous journey.
Helen J