The Word: Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf is an internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter and musician with a huge following in the Islamic world. Born in Tehran and educated in Britain, he experienced what he calls a “spiritual awakening” at the age 16, which very much shaped his musical path. Since shooting to fame at 23, he has been described as “the most famous British Muslim in the world” by TIME magazine. His pop star status has not come without criticism from leading Muslim figures, who have accused him of poisoning the masses with his concerts attended by hundreds of thousands of devoted fans.
The first Muslim ever to appear on The Word, Sami Yusuf explains to Alison Hilliard why despite his deep commitment to his own faith, he treasures passages from the Bible – particularly the Gospels. Through his choice of verses, he reflects on the values he feels Christianity and Islam have in common. He also discusses his new-found mission as a UN global ambassador against world hunger, and reflects on the challenges facing Muslims today as they try to promote peace and cross-cultural understanding in the face of atrocities carried out in the name of Islam.
Bible verses read by David Suchet.
Bible extracts taken from The Complete NIV Audio Bible and provided by Biblica

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This is one of many the most inspirational interviews of Sami Yusuf. Always educated, gentle and deep. Full of spiritique. So, it’s very important to us to spread Sami’s effort to the intire world because there’re so many chalangges to released his albums in every country
Fitriyani Yusbar
This podcast is so insightful an amazing! Finally someone shows the true side of Islam- peace and the truth- “Center” of all faiths. He is a very inspirational personality!
Thanks ThingUnseen for the interview :)
Dua ahmed
Religion: Allah delivered by the people through the prophets is a divine law.
The purpose of religion, people of good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly is to express them, are to provide happiness in the world and the Hereafter
SAMİ YUSUF with the divine, to greet, meet, beauty, peace, helping and under the divine light that invites you to a meeting.
His voice is a divine light, Water gives life to his lyrics such as human,He a world full of peace and love always pray for,and provides support to charitable organizations,and invites everyone to this excellent helping,
,I would like to congratulate his family so I respect him and his family so much love and much
and alwaySAMİ onlYUSUForever SYF The only point we breathe SPİRİTİQUE
Fatma Tuana Toprak
interview amazing
Good bless Sami Yusuf :)
interview amazing :)
You are a wonderful actor to Islam ;)
God bless you, my brother @SamiYusuf has a high culture
You a good person to Islam ^_^
thank you so much 3>
Hamda jihad
السلام عليكم انا احب كثيرا سامي يوسف و احب التواصل معه
Thanks U Verymuch For This Interviuw Very BeautYfuLLLL,, My Dear Sami Yusuf <3 <3 <3 Very Importand FOr me also,, BeautY Song also I M Respect For You My DeaR Bless You My Honey Sami Yusuf :D
Elly Silvia Bollebakker
Alhamdulillah Salaam Buat Pujaan Hatiku Sami Yusuf Di Ingris Country ,,thanks U Verymuch My DeaR Sami Yusuf , Betapa aku Bahagia Mendengar Semua pembicaraanmu ini Dengan amat Sangat Simpati , aku Ingin memiliki semua ,, apa yang Selama ini tidak aku miliki dalam hidupku dengan Lelaki Islam yang Sempurna seperti kamu ,, Semoga ALLOH SWT memulyakan kami Di Sisinya , aku sangat Bersyukur kepada ALLOH SWT,,karena kamu Begitu Perhatian Kepada aku,, Terimakasih banyak Dari Hatiku yang terdalam buat kamu !Keluargamu , Serta Keluarga Besar,, Thanks For your Loves dan telah engkau buka Pintu maaf untuk aku dan anaku ,,, Me BIG Love You <3 <3 <3 also
kalau Kamu Menunggu Ku terlampau lama kenapa tidak kamu Lakukan sebaliknya ,,
kalau aku sangat berarti di Matamu kenapa kamu harus Menunggu aku terlampau lama!!! Sekiranya kamu mau datang ke aku aku akan lebih senang lagi,, Semoga Umurku Dan Umurmu Panjang Aamiin Ya RobalL Aalamiin supaya aku bisa ketemu dulu Dengan kamu,, Dengan Pujaan HatiKu hmmm !!! XXX ARCY ELLY SY
Elly Silvia Bollebakker
I loved this interview. Sami Yusuf is really a Muslim man. I was shocked when he read the aya from Quran. and I was very happy. He thinks very truth about religion. I agree with him. ”God Bless Him”
And also Thank You for this wonderful interview.
Thanks for nice interview.You’re number one, br.Sami.God bless you.Azerbaijan is proud of you.Best regards from your motherland.
aziza abasova
Nice interview
God bless you
Aseel Yusuf
Butterfly Spring
Really enjoy this useful interview thanks for invite this man ,Mr.sami yusuf he is always inspires me with his believe :) Allah bless you all :) my best part was when he said the aya from Quran in Arabic I love this aya coz we as a Muslims everyday repeat it in our prayers :)
Dilpak Ghafoor #SYS_kurdi
Dilpak Ghafoor
I like the interview :)
yes! He is the messenger of love and peace :)
Mahmoud Beltagy
I like the way SAMI YUSUF thinks, he tries to find beauty faces every where : Islam; Sophisme; Christianity….. because it’s true all comes from GOD who is the centre of all peace and all beauty,,,,, and SAMI YUSUF did well when he put together these beautiful things in one world : SPIRITIQUE
zahira rachadi
What a wonderful episode, merging the common values of the two great world religions, and showing the beautiful spiritual unity in the diversity. There is ultimately a lot more things that connects and unites us than what separates us. Considering the chaotic world we live in, we need more open minded people like Sami Yusuf, who truly understands the “true spirit” of all revealed religions with an universalizing approach. Thank you once again, and we sincerely hope to listen to more episodes!
Saadet Ates
Firstly, I would like to Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to listen to Sami Yusuf! He is really wise and inspiring, he’s proven time and time again how much of a deep thinker and kindhearted he is. I really enjoy listening to his spiritual speeches as much as I enjoy listening to his beautiful songs.
Moreover, I think that we need more people like him.
I wish media would actually pay attention to Muslim intellectuals and people like Sami Yusuf to reflect the true image of Islam, rather than paying too much attention to a group of psychopaths terrorists that commit crimes in the name of Islam.
I also would like to say, I like the fact that, Bible and Quran possess many similarities, Christianity and Islam share a historical and traditional connection,The two faiths share a common origin, significant similarities, and spiritual elements.
Finally, I think that we have to open our minds and hearts, in order to understand, respect and love each other and work together for a better future.
Afaf Faisal
This is such a great interview. Sami Yusuf’s thoughts were amazing and full of wisdom. He is the right man that represents what Islam is. We enjoyed the interview so much. His words were so valuable. Thanks for having him. We hope to see him in this nice show again :)
I’m happy to know Brother Sami Yusuf shared his thought about Bible, one of the three holy books that Muslim should believe besides the Quran, just as we believe in Jesus.
You are the best singer in the world . thanks so much great Sami Yusuf for the great album “The Center” it’s wonderful your supporters & fans are proud of you :)
I loved it, was beautiful and inspirational :) .. I listened to it, felt so proud that Sami Yusuf has so much spirituality in him and best part was when he quoted (cont) . really he is a great muslim artist, who make others religion worshippers to know what islam is all about :) so so proud Sami Yusuf always inspire me he is a reall Muslim God bless him :)
Great interview! He is a real philosopher. Thanks for letting us enjoy and benefit from his deep words!
He is an inspiration for me and many other people and the reason that makes him special because he is sincere ,honest and he do everything from his heart. God bless him and you all.
Thank you once again!
Asmaa Elbashier