The Face Of God
Among the saddest stories to come out of the coronavirus crisis so far is that of 13-year-old Ismail, who died without seeing the loving faces of his family around him.
In this short reflection, Mark Dowd – one of Things Unseen’s regular presenters and a Catholic – considers the importance of seeing a loving face when you are close to death. Even Jesus on the cross saw his mother Mary standing nearby and gazing up to him in his agony. Those who are dying of coronavirus, if they have a human being by their side at all, are likely to see the face obscured by a hazmat suit. So what hope is there in the Christian message this Easter time, with the families of the sick in lockdown?

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An interesting and thoughtful input into the sad tales of those spending their last hours alone before death fron Covid-19. Any writer who draws on “Dead Man Walking” will have much to offer abd provoke, and this short podcast is successful in hitting its target. It is interesting that in 2020 a successful Passover will finally be marked not by a special mark in blood on the door, but compliance by those inside with self-isolation, and that those who have followed Government instructions will live to see the face of God.
Alex Scott
Another superb five minute broadcast from the incomparable Mark Dowd. For those of all religious denominations and none, a note perfect reflection for Holy Week in the midst of these challenging times.
Marion Milne
Excellent podcast Mark focusing on this particular issue of relatives not seeing thier loved ones at their time of passing. As he says even Mary was at the foot of the Cross.
But God is present at all our passings if that is a comfort
Jim Hancock
What a poignant reflection! Thank you Mark.
Veronica Shearer