British Podcast Awards Gold for ‘Entombed’
Things Unseen’s dramatic take on the Easter story was celebrated at the British Podcast Awards last night. Entombed was crowned winner in the Bullseye category for podcasts with audiences under represented elsewhere in the media. The judges said that ‘the performances, script and the sound design were all equally impressive and suitably Gaiman-esque.’
Things Unseen’s Paul Arnold produced and directed, and received the award on his doorstep with writer Brendan Devitt, who was there to watch the live streamed event.
In the midst of a ferocious thunderstorm, Joe and Nick, two no-nonsense Irishmen, are carrying a body into a cave for burial. It’s a messy business, their wrapped-up friend having met a grim end. But their relief at getting out of the rain is short lived, when an earthquake traps them inside.
While Nick tries to find a way out, Joe (played by Father Ted star Jim Norton) strikes up a conversation with his unexpectedly talkative dead friend.
Dr Brendan Devitt is an Irish-born writer new to radio, who studied at Dublin and Oxford universities. He re-imagines a hidden part of the Easter story with wit and magical realism that avoids cliche and provides constant surprises. The sound world he evokes is modern and atmospheric, whilst the story poses fundamental questions about death and the nature of human existence.
Cast in order of appearance:
Nick: Michael Quinlan
Joe: Jim Norton
The Master: Daryl McCormack
Jaz: Ayesha Antoine
Director: Paul Arnold
Sound effects sourced in part from users odilonmarcenaro, zimbot, djgriffin and joedeshon, under the creative commons attribution license.

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