Belief in angels is widespread; one in three of us are convinced that these celestial creatures exist. However, angels seem to have taken wing from the panels of stained glass church windows to capture the imaginations of many who otherwise have no interest in religion. Remarkably, even seven percent of atheists admit to believing in angels.
Lorna Byrne – dubbed “a modern-day Irish mystic” – has attracted a huge following through her books in which she describes seeing and communicating with angels. She speaks to Alison Hilliard about her unusual visions and her belief that everyone has a guardian angel.
But why are angels – inextricably linked to key Christian stories, such as Jesus’ birth – so appealing to those who are not interested in the church? How do their views of angels sit with Christian teachings? And do angels appear in any of the Eastern faiths? Alison discusses with three guests: The Very Revd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark; Jay Lakhani, Director of the Hindu Academy in London, and Professor Bettina Schmidt, an expert in spiritual phenomena at the University Wales Trinity St. David.
This podcast was shortlisted in the Jerusalem Awards 2015.
Image courtesy Angelo Juan Ramos of via ©©

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After losing my Mother and feeling totally lost and also about losing the house my parents built an angel which I thought was my mother came to me while I slept and said that “Everything was going to be all right and that I was loved and that everything was going to be okay!” Thinking that this was only a dream I was then hugged with such force that it woke me up. Laying there thinking about what happened tears of joy just flooded me and it was then I felt life was beautiful and precious. Many years have passed and I now live in my mother and father’s home which from a small cottage has turned into a grand and beautiful home for me and my husband who is now retired. Do I believe in Angels – ABSOLUTELY!
Linda Linstead
I got saved by an angel in a theatre once, when an overhead light dislodged directly above my head. I was standing directly in the path of it falling – 75% of the way down its path diverted by 90 degrees, all observed by an observer other side of auditorium.
Richard Littledale