A-Z of Things Unseen: Q is for Quaker
Ruth Scott has been an Anglican priest ever since women were first ordained in the Church of England in the 1990s. Yet she was always drawn to the Quaker tradition of social justice – and after a traumatic experience in 2009, she desperately needed the communal (or “corporate”) silence which is at the heart of Quaker meetings.
In this edition of Things Unseen, she reveals the nature of her trauma and explains how this silence made her feel held and drew her back into the present moment.
Years later, Quaker silence now helps Ruth deal with the often harrowing life stories she hears in her work with people who have come out of conflict or survived sexual violence.
Ruth Scott is also a regular presenter of Pause for Thought on BBC Radio 2.
The A-Z of Things Unseen provides an eclectic mix of concepts and ideas (some religious or spiritual, others seemingly secular) tackled by 26 different speakers. Between them they cover all of the UK’s major faiths and include some doubters too.
This podcast was a finalist in the Jerusalem Awards 2016 in the Short Form category.

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I wonder if anyone here has read “A Hidden Wholeness” yet. It was a wonderful book which has many similar principles as what is found in this podcast. It’s an amazing read, I fully recommend it.
Sarah Price
Thank you for sharing your journey of healing Ruth and the empowering insights into aspects of silence. I found it deeply inspiring and comforting. Many blessings to You*
Thank you so much for this Ruth. The idea of being “held” in corporate silence I found especially powerful.
I shall order your book! Thank you for sharing.
Naomi Wellings
thank you for this. it is a special and moving talk and insight.
Peter Alcock
Ruth – you have always been prepared to help healing in others by sharing your own journey – your did it brilliantly when I had the privilege of working with you at the BBC World Service. I’m very sorry to hear of your traumatic experience, but I know it will not have dented your compassion and humanity.
I can recommend Ruth’s book The Power of Imperfection for anyone struggling with the messiness of life.