Mindfulness and Faith – do they mix?
“Mindfulness” seems to be everywhere these days. In essence, it’s a way of achieving greater awareness of “being in the present moment”, aiming to make us kinder, more compassionate and less judgemental. It’s also promoted as a way dealing with some mental health issues and reducing burnout. But with origins in Buddhism, how well does it sit with other faiths? And what caused Tim Stead to leave his calling as a Church of England priest to pursue a career in mindfulness teaching? To find out, Mike Wooldridge visits Tim’s “meditation barn” at the back of his house in Oxford.
As well as teaching mindfulness, Tim Stead is the author of two books on the subject. His particular interest is the relationship between mindfulness and religious belief and practice. You can read more about Tim’s work in his blog

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…Tim has apparently engineered himself out of barren mechanical modes of existence while recognizing certain of their values like consistency and its associated discipline and allowing his soul to open to the spontaneous functioning of and expression of the spirit…one is a development out of the other, and both provide mutually sustaining pillars of an equilibrated spiritual base…both aspects are essential and serve to nourish one another…i don’t know what he’s like on the guitar however!……