Faith by Numbers: Joining the Dots
The factual rigour of the world of numbers and maths, and the more intuitive nature of faith may not seem like a comfortable combination. But numbers have played a significant role in religious traditions, and in the lives of those with a faith.
The author and broadcaster Trevor Barnes has been looking into the subject for a new book, and here he introduces our ‘Faith by Numbers’ podcasts, with a brief tour of digital divinity. We’ll be looking at the stories behind familiar ideas, such as the 10 commandments or the five pillars of Islam, getting insights into Hinduism through the idea of zero, and hearing about personal stories such as the effect an early trip to the cinema had on Trevor himself.
Photo credit: Heather aka Molly

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Numbers and codes relating to dates and scriptures….even lotto wins never ceases to amaze me………….keep getting could be the great star and planet alignment, forming a woman with birthing a man…child……….23-9.2017…in Revelation…….one sighting per 5-6000 years.
sean maloney