The Word: Katharine Welby-Roberts
When Justin Welby took over as spiritual leader of 80 million Anglicans in 2013, one of his five children shot to unexpected fame: his daughter Katharine, whose passionate tweets about her father’s appointment brought her a large Twitter following. She quickly became known as the ABCD – the Archbishop of Canterbury’s daughter.
Now 29, Katherine Welby-Roberts has used this status to speak out about matters close to her own heart – first and foremost mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, which she knows well from many years of her own painful experience.
In conversation with Alison Hilliard, Katharine shares her favourite Bible verses and reflects on how they show God as a God of the suffering and anxious – one who, as she says, does not expect his people to get well as soon as they start to believe in him: “He does not yank you out of the hole, he gets in there with you”.
We also hear about Katharine’s work with the Christian disability charity, Livability, her love of all living creatures (including fish “with a lightbulb hanging down in front of their faces”) and her enormous passion for words, which led her to call her blog A Conglomerate of Yodeling Hippopotami.
This podcast won the Digital Audio category at the Jerusalem Awards 2016.

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Hi Kendra,
Thanks for you comment. The passages are as follows (in order of appearance):
Psalm 94: 18-19
Psalm 139: 11-15
Isaiah 1: 17
James 1: 19-20
Jeremiah 17: 7-8
Romans 5: 1-5
I hope that helps.
Many thanks,
Things Unseen Radio Manager
Can someone repost the passages that were shared?
Kendra Jory
Thank you Katharine for having the courage to share your insights and experiences; I could not help but see parallels to what I said in the podcast I did here, not least in the sense that when I took my eyes off God and attempted suicide He did not take His eyes off me and rescued me. So much of what you said resonates with my own experience of depression and anxiety, so great respect to you for making a better fist of it than I have. May God bless and keep you, make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, Kevin
Kevin Gosden
I’m interested in religion, psychology and mental health. Thought this was fascinating, thank you!
Just heard it. It was great. Very encouraging.
Michael Christodoulou
Terrific interview – appreciate your honesty and transparency very much.
Mary Ailes
Wow you had me at 139. I can so understand everything you said. Please be encouraged in your work. The need for it is Tremendous!
MeriAngel N. Enriquez
[…] The Word is a podcast that talks to prominent figures about their life and faith through the lens of their favorite Bible verses. Today, they talk to Katharine Welby-Roberts, who became known as the ABCD (Archbishop of Canterbury’s daughter), after her father’s election and her enthusiastic tweeting thereafter. […]
An interview with the ABCD | Episcopal Cafe