On 14th September 2007, 14-year-old Andrew Gosden from Doncaster bought a one-way ticket to London’s King Cross. That was the last his family ever saw of him. No-one knows why he disappeared, or what happened to him.
How can a father ever come to terms with such permanent uncertainty – not knowing whether his son is alive or dead? And can his Christian faith possibly survive such torment?
In conversation with Mark Dowd, Kevin Gosden reflects on a life in which his belief in God has been tested to the limit.
For further details about the search for Andrew please visit the Help Us Find Andrew website. Anyone with information relating to Andrew’s whereabouts should call South Yorkshire Police on 0114-220 2020 or Missing People on 116 000

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Dear Pamela,
Thank you again for your thoughtful comment. We have received the following from Andrew’s father Kevin in response:
“We had that telewest system originally when cable was first available, but telewest was taken over by Virgin media well before Andrew went missing so that was not available to him (at least in our house) within a time frame that would make any sense. … No-one has ever come up with that question before now so I am impressed!”
Kristine Pommert
Hi there something just occurred to me. Police seized or looked at computers to get clues if Andrew comunicated to anyone. However before computers there was chat forums with telewest 2002 and 2007 you were given a keyboard to email anyone with same hobby as yourself .has the police thought of this way of communicating before internette and modern computers came out. No one knows if this is what happend then Andrew went missing. Look at you tube to see what this old way of communicating was about. I am not saying it will help matters but give it a try.
Pamela gregson